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In this guide I will show you how to install Bitwarden password manager on your Windows computer.

Password managers are programs that generate long and complicated passwords for their users. These programs encrypt all the passwords contained in them using a passphrase that their user inputs into them. This is called the "Master Password". By using password managers, people can refrain from using the same, short password on every web platform they register an account.


Get the software

Using Tor Browser visit the address. Click on the Download link on the top row menu.

Bitwarden homepage

Scroll down and click on the download button for Windows platform.

Bitwarden Windows

On the pop-up window click on the Save File button.

Download pop-up

On the file picker pop-up window make sure you are in Downloads folder, and then click on the Save button.

Download destination

Wait for the download process to complete, and then click on the folder icon.

Download process

Install the software

In the Downloads folder, locate the Bitwarden file you just downloaded.

Downloads folder

On the Bitwarden file, with your mouse, Right click > Open.

Run the executable
Run the

On the install wizard make sure the Only for me option is selected, and then click on the Install button

Installation wizard

Wait for the installation process to complete.

Installation process
Installation process

After the installation completes, on the new window, make sure the Run Bitwarden option is selected, and then click on the Finish button.

Installation complete

Run the software

When Bitwarden program is started for the first time, it will present you with a window like below. On this window, in order to create a new Bitwarden account, click on the Create Account link.

Bitwarden login window
Bitwarden login

On the new window, enter your Email address and your Master password info. The Master password you enter here will be used to encrypt the storage of all your other passwords and save them. Therefore, make sure you NEVER forget your master password. You don't have the luxury of forgetting your master password, so, note it down to a piece of paper if you need. If you forget your master password, nobody can help you get into your password vault and retrieve your passwords for you.

On the same window, Bitwarden might ask you to verify yourself for not being a robot. If there is an I am human button down the window, click on the empty box to the left of it and solve the puzzles that (supposedly) prove you are human.

Bitwarden create account
create account

Next, you will see your email address that you just registered a Bitwarden account with. On the same window, enable the Remember email option, and then click on the Continue button.

Bitwarden login

On the next window, enter your Master password, and then click on the Log in with master password button.

Login with master password
Login with
master password

After that, you will see Bitwarden's main user interface. First, change a few options from the menu that makes it easier to use Bitwarden. Click on the File button on the window's top row menu.

Bitwarden UI
Bitwarden UI

On the menu that opens, click on the Settings button.

Bitwarden settings

First, change the Vault timeout setting. I recommend setting this to 15 minutes. That way, if you don't use your vault for 15 minutes, it will automatically lock itself. This should help unauthorized access to your password vault in case you leave your computer open and unattended.

Vault timeout
Vault timeout

Next, on the same menu, scroll down, and see the Clear clipboard settings. I recommend setting this value to 2 minutes. That way, the passwords that you copy on your clipboard will get deleted after 2 minutes.

Clear clipboard

On the same menu, scroll further down. On the App settings segment, enable the Show tray icon and Minimise to tray options. Show tray icon will enable to minimize the Bitwarden program to an icon on the Windows system tray. Minimize to tray icon will hide the Bitwarden's program window into the system tray whenever you minimize its window.

Use tray icon
Use tray icon
Tray icon
Tray icon

These are the options that I would advise you to change as a beginner. Now, on the same menu, scroll to the bottom and click on the Close button.

Close settings
Close settings

You will be back on the Bitwarden main user interface. In order to enter your first password to be stored in your vault, click on the "+" button on the bottom of the screen. On the right side of the window there will be a new area for entering your password information. Here, keep the item Type as Login. On the Name field enter the name of the service or application you are storing your password for. On the Username field, enter your username for the service or application. Lastly, in order to make Bitwarden generate long and complicated passwords for you, click on the generate symbol.

Add item
Add item

A new pop-up window will show you the password Bitwarden has just generated for you. Accept the generated password, and click on the check mark symbol; or, to generate a new password, click on the generate symbol again.

Password generator

After that, the Password field on the right hand side of the window will have your newly generated password. Below that, on URI1 field, you can enter the address of the website that this password is generated for.

Website address

On the same segment, scroll down, and see the NOTES field. Here you can input some notes that help you with managing this password. In order to save your changes, click on the save button on the bottom.

Add note
Add note

Done. The new password information is added in your vault in Bitwarden. Next time you want to login to a website, you can open your password manager and copy the password information to your clipboard. Then navigate to the internet browser tab that has the website you are logging in to, and paste your password from your clipboard.

Added credential info
credential info

Inside the Bitwarden vault, in addition to generating new passwords, you can insert your already existing passwords, as well. That way, you won't have to keep those passwords in your memory.

Lastly, Bitwarden has apps for mobile platforms. You can download these from app stores and sync your passwords between your computer and your mobile device, accessing your passwords on any device you own.


In this guide I showed you how to install Bitwarden program. Using Bitwarden you can store your passwords in a safe, encrypted digital vault. You can generate long and complicated passwords. You can increase you online security by using a new, long and complicated password on each of the webpage and web service you log in to. Lastly, using Bitwarden's mobile apps, you can keep your passwords with you on your mobile devices.

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