Tor Browser (Linux)

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In this guide I will show you how to install Tor Browser on your Linux computer.

Using Tor Browser you can prevent your internet service provider to surveil your online activity. With Tor Browser you can route around the internet censorship of your local government, and exercise your right to free information. Lastly, using Tor Browser you can reach hidden websites and hidden services that live completely on the onion network.

In this guide Lubuntu 23.10 x86_64 is used as the Linux distribution.


Get the software

On your internet browser visit address. Click on the Download for Linux button.

Tor Browser homepage
Tor Browser

On the pop-up window make sure the Save File option is selected, and then click on the OK button.

Tor Browser download pop-up
Tor Browser
download pop-up

Leave the destination folder in its default setting, and then click on the Save button.

Download destination

Wait for the download process to complete.

Download progress

On the same webpage, now, click on the Signature link.

Download signature

On the pop-up window make sure the Save File option is selected, and then click on the OK button.

Download signature pop-up
signature pop-up

Leave the destination folder in its default setting, and then click on the Save button.

Download destination

Wait for the download process to complete. After the download completes, click on the folder icon.

Download progress

You will have a file manager window that presents you the files that you downloaded. Inside the file manager window, with your mouse, Right click > Open in Terminal.

Downloads directory

Inside the terminal window, first type the following:

$ ls -lh

You should see the Tor Browser files we downloaded. Then, type the following:

$ mv * -t ~

This command will move the downlaoded files to your Home directory.

Downloads directory in the terminal
directory in the terminal

Inside the same Terminal window, first type cd and press Enter. This will move you to your Home directory. Then, type ls -lh command and see that Tor Browser files are in there.

Tor Browser files in the terminal
Tor Browser
files in the terminal

Now, you will download the signing key for Tor Browser. For that, in your Terminal window, type the following:

$ gpg --auto-key-locate nodefault,wkd --locate-keys

After that command, you should see the following output in your Terminal window:

gpg: key 4E2C6E8793298290: public key "Tor Browser Developers (signing key) <>" imported
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg:               imported: 1
pub   rsa4096 2014-12-15 [C] [expires: 2025-07-21]
uid           [ unknown] Tor Browser Developers (signing key) <>
sub   rsa4096 2021-09-17 [S] [expires: 2024-02-19]
Import the signing key
Import the
signing key

In order to verify the signature file, in your Terminal window, type the following command:

$ gpg --verify torbrowser-linux-x86_64-13.0.8.tar.xz.asc

In the output, in your Terminal window, you should see a line that begins with "Good signature from "Tor Browser Developers [...]". This tells you that the Tor Browser file you downloaded is legitimate.

Signature check
Signature check

Install the software

In the same Terminal window, type the following command:

$ tar xvf tor-browser-linux-x86_64-13.0.8.tar.xz 
Expand the archive file
Expand the archive file

Tor Browser files will be extracted into the ~/tor-browser/ directory. Use the cd ~/tor-browser/ command to navigate into that directory. In there, use the ls command and see the file start-tor-browser.desktop. Then, in the same Terminal, type the following command:

$ ./start-tor-browser.desktop --register-app

You should see a line that begins with Tor Browser has been registered as [...] on your Terminal.

Register Tor Browser
Register Tor

After that, you will find the Tor Browser on your start menu.

Run the software

Click on your start menu on your desktop. On Lubuntu, when clicked on the start menu, Tor Browser is located under the "Internet" menu. Click on it and start Tor Browser.

When Tor Browser first starts you will be presented with a window like below. On this window enable Always connect automatically option, and then click on the Connect button.

Connect to Tor
Connect to Tor

Wait for Tor Browser to connect to the Tor network.

Establishing a connection
Establishing a

After the connection gets established, you will see window like below. Here, enable the Onionize option and enter a search term into the bar.

Onionize your web search
Onionize your
web search

The webpage you see now is the DuckDuckGo search engine on the Tor network. The onion lock you see on the address bar shows that you are visiting a hidden website on the Tor network. Such websites end in .onion suffix.

DuckDuckGo hidden service
hidden service

Lastly, on the address bar, enter Tor Browser will notify you whenever it detects a clearnet webpage also also has an onion address. In order to be automatically redirected to the onion mirrors of clearnet pages, click on the Always Prioritize Onions button.

Always prioritize onions
prioritize onions

That way, you will be directed to the Tor hidden webpage mirror of the Tor Project.

Tor Project hidden service
Tor Project
hidden service


In this guide I showed you how to install Tor Browser software. For this, I showed how to download the required files and how to verify them. Then, I showed Tor Browser installation steps. Lastly, I showed you how you can reach Tor hidden websites.

Using Tor Browser you can route around the unjust censorship legislation of your local governments. You can protect the privacy of your internet activity from your internet service provider and the advertising companies. You can visit the .onion websites on the Tor network and enjoy the end-to-end-encrypted and untraceable web surfing.

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